Why the 19th century rocks

A couple of weeks ago, someone asked me how studying 19th-century literature was useful in everyday life. I’m mostly sure the question was asked in a spirit of discussion rather than combat, so I answered. Since then, I’ve been thinking about the question from a more personal point of view. There are a lot of … More Why the 19th century rocks

In honor of things that once were, before my dog tried to eat them

Things I didn’t, but perhaps should have expected my dog to eat: The wall My remote control The remote control my neighbor let me borrow after Gus ate mine My phone cord Tristram Shandy (that was embarrassing to explain to the librarians) That wasn’t the only book (see evidence below) My computer cord A “Save … More In honor of things that once were, before my dog tried to eat them


Spanish moss, historic districts, and pulled pork—if I’m remembering my ancient philosophy correctly, this is the platonic ideal of a city, and this is why Savannah is magical. I’d been meaning to visit Savannah since the fall, but sometimes I’m a pretty impressive procrastinator. When a friend of mine from college visited in March, I … More Savannah

Post, the first

Always at the cutting edge of technological trends, I’ve decided to start a blog. I will write about literature and life. Small, manageable topics. I spend a lot of time reading, thinking, and writing about literature and life, especially in the nineteenth century. I do this for two reasons: 1) it is fun and 2) … More Post, the first